FINAL DATE for WHITE WAVE at Bethesda Fountain, Central Park, May 6, 2021, 4pm!
May 6, 2021 @ 4:00PM — 5:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
WHITE WAVE Dance public performance on Thursday, May 6th @ 4PM at BETHESDA FOUNTAIN near 72 Street.

Dear Friends of WHITE WAVE Dance,
WHITE WAVE Young Soon Kim Dance Company's first public performance in 2021 will NOW take place May 6th @ 4PM at Central Park BETHESDA FOUNTAIN near 72 Street.
After resounding success of our 2020 Virtual Gala in November 2020, WHITE WAVE Dance is back in production creating new dances on film for our 2021 season. These new Dance Films première at our 2021 Virtual DUMBO Dance Festival from June 10th-13th.
“Rising from the center of Bethesda Terrace is Bethesda Fountain and its crowning glory: the Angel of the Waters sculpture.”
The world-class, charismatic, and exhilarating WHITE WAVE Dancers will perform excerpts from Artistic Director Young Soon Kim’s newest work “iyouuswe II”.
“iyouuswe II" (read I-You-Us-We-Two) is our multi-year collaboration by pioneering choreographer, Young Soon Kim, in collaboration with our performers, as we continue to explore the body's 3 dimensions in space. Probing the weight of human emotions, “iyouuswe II, a Dance Film”, presents a vividly-colored vision where movement and mise-en-scène seamlessly meld.
Especially during this critical time of the covid Pandemic, this piece challenges us to examine who we are, and how we relate to ourselves and to each other. It is a story of developing relationships by which we struggle to find a sense of ‘i’ as part of a ‘we.’
The performance is FREE, but you need to reserve your spot!